jueves, 24 de febrero de 2011

as technology affects the environment
on technological development:

* How does it affect the resources, both renewable and nonrenewable?
* How does the environment?
* What are their social and political implications?
Thanks to a growing number of voluntary organizations on both sides of the Atlantic, the policies needed to create an industry and a more sustainable society, are now widely agreed, but are not yet part of governments and their financiers. These policies are:

* A particular program of energy conservation, elimination of nuclear power, developing renewable energy sources.
* The gradual introduction of quality standards and product specifications to ensure long life products that can be easily repaired, refurbished and recycled.
* A transportation policy that decreases rapidly the damage caused by internal combustion engines. The promotion of public transport, espcially the railroad.
* A quick transition to organic farming (no chemicals).
* The location of economic activity, and the promotion of democratic modes of ownership and control, for example by workers or communities.

The technologies that emerge from such policies, and values that accompany would be very different from those that dominate the North, and did not allow long-term future for anyone, anywhere. Since many poor people in the world makes a living working on small farms, small family businesses, or as craftsmen, the technologies appropriate to their needs will be generally small, relatively simple, inexpensive (to be sustainable), non-violent towards people and the environment. But experience has shown that it is not enough any means to produce and test these technologies in the field. The development or adaptation of proper tools is part of a package that includes the identification of specific needs and community resources, developing a technology that can meet their needs - to raise their income to a reasonable level; and introduce technology to the terms of use. Obviously, to be appropriate, technology should be used, maintained and produced locally should be managed by its users, and be owned, and result in a significant increase in net income (real or money). You must use the best materials and local and renewable energy. It should be readily transferable using their own resources and through local markets.

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